i think my tagboard has some problem with it, right?
Anybody encounter problems with it?
i can't seem to post my replies. ):
soooo, i'll reply here!
Girl: Sorry for t super late reply,
But, I've no idea either!
Yanting: Heh, very cute right!
It's Sexay okay. :D
Isha: Th other day we talked at Mac!
Let's go out soon please!
we stay like 2 blocks away only somemore. -.-
Kris: Waves back! (:
Which Kris are you?
heh, Sorry!
Passerby: Look below please! (:
Xiaofen: hah! are you learning grooming too?
Then you must open your shop very soon you know!
Ian: Platypus looks like a Goondu!
Yanting/Sy: Updating now babe! :D
Chuanmei: Heh, now now now!
I'm listening t Sean Kingston-Beautiful Girl now.
Hsienyang went totally GAGA over this song yesterday. 0.o"
Movies Movies!
Okay! I went out with Rafe yesterday,
&we watched The Simpsons @The Cathay!
and it's damn funny! :x
I went t watch Harry Potter & th order of the phoenix, Alone!
heh, I just couldn't wait for my friends lah.
& I also watched Black Sheep,
it's super like shit, so please don't watch!
Gross, bloody Baa Baaa eating humans.
So Not-Cute!
Anw, Went Running with YQ on Wednesday night.
&you must know!
For me t tell someone i wanna go running,
without dragging me with a truck,
is like a total miracle.
I ran like, 2 rounds?
& yq ran arnd 4-5rounds.
Sickening cheena piang!
And we realize we've the same converse canvas shoe!

I thought this pair of sneakers will have
no chance of seeing daylight again,
till i went t JMD! :x
&after running YQ came to my place t
accompany me & bake cookies.
and she made her chocolate.

But yes i know we look horrible,
&super makeup-less.
Cos after running we were feeling damn sleepy!
it's like 12plus in the night and we're still baking.
Shaggy shaggy bakers.

So pretty right, it's raspberry jam in the middle layer.
sweeeeeet. ♥

&two weeks ago after jmd,
we went for dinner as usual.
Gerry, Sokhiang, Trixy, Cindy, Emily,
Shuherng, Steve, Danny &me.
We were slacking &bitching arnd in mos burger.

The messy hair trio.
Danny suddenly whipped out his buff stick,
and start buffing his own nails!
I didn't know guys can be so vaaaain.
it's so cute can.
& he buffed my nails too. :D
It's Superduper shiny can.
He'll be killing me cos i blogged about this! :x

&This is Paddy, Puppy-Cut.
a Shiz Tzu i groomed last week.
He just refuse t turn t th camera lor.
Naughty Paddy!

Sherica, a friend from the grooming sch,
cooked dinner for us th other day,
then after we finish eating,
we went t th main shop cos she said
she wanna look at the cats.
&omg, they're selling these, mouse!
they're cute lah, but the long long tail freaks me out!
& you know what sherica did?
& i freaked out and ran out of the shop, screaming.
and she chase me arnd with the mouse somemore can!
horrible girl! HAHAHAHAS!
Tania sat there hugging porche
and laughing somemore hor!

eeeeeeeky weekie freaky!
Th other day i went to RP,
t visit someone who was performing there.
&i'm so lost and shy loh!
and i bumped into Pauline at the canteen.

These are the prdts i use daily, or at least weekly.
Cleanser: Nivea Visage Whitening Foam,
Fancl powder wash
Toner: Beauty D.I.Y whitening toner,
Ettusais Medicated acne aqua shooter
Serum: Beauty D.I.Y Whitening Hyaluronic Acid Serum
St Ives eye gel, Mavala Eyelite, Burt's bee lipbalm,
ZA express repair essence, Kose Lotion (used as mask)
Kose mask white, Queen Helene mint julep masque.
For this few days,
Mr postman have been making me very happy!
My spree loots that arrived over the past few days,
- La Senza convertible Bra :x
- Adhesive bra :x
- Waisted belt
- Bourjois Mobile Lipgloss
- 2 American Eagles Aerie cord shortie
- Zipia lively culottes shorts
- Zipia brown leather cuff

it's like, arnd the length of your entire thumb.

I love zipia's stuff,
they are So, so so so nice &stylish.

should i? should i not?
i'm awaiting my Levis skinny jeans,
Benefit 24K gold lippie.

she was gonna smell my phone.
*sniff sniff*
Alright! I'm going back to re-reading
Harry Potter & th Deathy Hallows
for th 2nd time!
My friends says i'm sick,
cos i finished the book in merely a day.
and they ask me do i actually eat on that day?
& i told them,
I lay in bed all day, Read, Eat Cherries,
Read, Eat Apples, Read, Chew on Starburst Gummies,
Eat Dinner while reading
and YES! I DO EAT, Junkfood! :D
till then, byebye! ♥